Thank you for taking the time to complete our community survey. We would love to know a little bit more about you and how you would like to see The Peninsula Burswood community evolve in the coming years and to also help inform our planning of the proposal Lot 22 development.

Total of 20 Questions (Estimated 3-5 Minutes to complete).

1. How long have you been part of the Peninsula Burswood Community? (Choose One)

2. What type of resident are you? (Choose One)

3. Tell us about your household. Which of the following reflects your living arrangement? (Choose One)

4. What is your age? (Choose One)

5. Which of the following best describes your current occupation? (Choose all that apply)

6. Do you work near home or further afield?
(Choose all that apply)

The Peninsula Burswood is a peaceful residential community with some of Perth’s best dining, entertainment and recreation options on its doorstep. We want to know what you enjoy most about living in the area and what you’d like to see more of.

7. What are some of your favourite attractions in Burswood?
(Choose all that apply)

8. What’s your main mode of transport?
(Choose all that apply)

9. How many cars do you have in your household?
(Choose One)

10. Part of what makes the Peninsula Burswood special is the landscaped parks, gardens and access to local amenity.
What do you utilise most within the precinct?
(Choose all that apply)

11. What is the most important aspect of a neighbourhood to you? (Choose all that apply)

Mirvac has been involved in the Peninsula Burswood for almost 20 years. As we move into the next phase of precinct, we want to ensure that we respond to the needs of our community.

12. As the Peninsula Burswood continues to evolve, there may be an opportunity to develop some new public open spaces for community use. How would you like to see these areas used?
(Choose all that apply)

13. Burswood Park is set to transform in the years ahead under a proposed new plan for the area. How would you like to see the Peninsula Burswood integrate with this space? (Choose all that apply)

14. The Peninsula Burswood lends itself to community activities with plenty of green open space. Tell us some of the events you’d like to see happening in the area? (Choose all that apply)

15. What is important to you in new building design? (Choose all that apply)

We know that the community at The Peninsula Burswood love where they live, and for some of you the opportunity to purchase at the next stage of development may be an exciting prospect. (Please skip this section if it is not relevant to your current needs.)

16. If you were looking to purchase a new residence within the Peninsula Burswood, what property type would you be most interested in? (Choose all that apply)

17. We believe sustainability is of the upmost importance when it comes to choosing a home. What environmental initiatives would you like to see incorporated? (Choose all that apply)

18. There is a newfound appreciation for the life at home since COVID-19. What are some amenities you think would be useful? (Choose all that apply)

19. We’re all ears – let us know if there’s anything else you feel would make living at The Peninsula Burswood even better or share anything you would like us to consider in of planning the proposed Lot 22 Development?

20. To keep informed about The Peninsula Burswood, please provide us with your contact details. (Optional)

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Your valued feedback will help us shape the future of The Peninsula Burswood.
Visit our Frequently Asked Questions to find out more about future development.